The 3rd International School
on Advanced Immunology

We are pleased to announce the return of the International School on Advanced Immunology to Japan bringing together young immunologists from across the globe through a collaboration between the Immunology Frontier Research Center (IFReC) at Osaka University and ImmunoSensation2 at the University of Bonn.

We invite applications from PhD students and early postdocs interested in participating in this exciting educational program. The school promises to be an excellent opportunity for young immunologists to meet and learn from world-leading immunologists. Participants will also have the chance to connect with their international peers of the same generation, fostering a lasting worldwide network that will endure well beyond the duration of the school.

School Overview

  • Four-day intensive course for advanced Ph.D. students and early post-docs
  • Faculty of 15 outstanding immunologists
  • 50 competitively selected participants
  • Airfare and accommodation with full board provided to the participants
  • Application is free, but accepted applicants are required to pay a registration fee of 66,000JPY, which includes 41,000JPY for school participation and 25,000JPY for social events
  • Prizes will be awarded for the best presentations


  • Ph.D. students in their final years and postdocs within three years since obtaining their Ph.D.
  • Participants are required to give a poster presentation and a short oral presentation
  • Participants are required to participate in the entire four-day program
  • Anyone who has been accepted into any of the previous schools including the NIF Winter School on Advanced Immunology held in 2012-2020 is not eligible to apply